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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 December 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art Newsletter 144 - December 2019

Dear Reader,
Well, that's another year in the bag. And while we're still light on flying cars, at least we also avoided the robot apocalypse, so - a win!
Half of one, anyway. If you were waiting for the final episode of our own robot apocalypse story, SAM, we are very sorry to say that the book has been delayed. However, the delay will be a short one: We Will Never Forget You will be available at the end of January instead - with our apologies!
For now, please enjoy the return of our very British duo Blake & Mortimer, as they struggle to save Hong Kong from invasion. Dive into the rich history of China, both distant and recent - with, of course, a bit of a fantastic twist - and discover the secrets of The Valley of the Immortals!
Finally, we're happy to announce that volumes 2 and 4 of Lucky Luke (Ghost Town and Jesse James) have been reprinted and are once again available.
December with Cinebook: happy holidays, everyone!

Blake & Mortimer 26
Van Dongen and Berserik & Sente
The Valley of the Immortals - Part 2
Mortimer is brought to the camp of General Li Hsi, the Chinese warlord, where he is reunited with a seriously injured Nasir. The professor was kidnapped in order to recover the archaeological proof of the general's imperial lineage, but also to repair the Red Wing ... Read more

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