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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 December 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art:THE ROUTE 66 LIST 2 - MISSOURI

Authors: Eric Stalner
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: November 2019

ISBN: 9781849184335
£6.99 inc. VAT

Alex Poliac and his son are still on the run, having evaded both the FBI and the Clown – the supposed serial killer who’s actually a KGB hatchet man. Because Alex is in fact a Soviet sleeper agent, part of a network run by legendary spy Sasha, a shadowy figure among the US’s most wanted list. He is also the only holder of the Route 66 List, which contains the names of every agent implanted in the States along the celebrated road – the same agents Sasha is now having killed.
Not a lot that I can really write about this without giving out spoilers. I can tell you that it is well written and well drawn and Jean-Jacques Chagnaud does some excellent colour work -the splash page (p 16) I liked a lot.  Page 21 "...with his bow tie!" DA-DAAAAAH! You need to read the books to get the point...or look at the cover!
The next three covers are shown so I am guessing this is a 5 issue series. Gonna be interesting.

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