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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 30 January 2022



Authors: Eric Corbeyran & Philippe Berthet

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: October 2021

ISBN: 9781849182355

£8.99 incl VAT

Belarus, in Soviet times. Irina is an unremarkable young woman growing up in an orphanage. One night, a mysterious visitor demands to see her and her best friend Julia. The latter goes first, then Irina is told she won’t be needed after all. The next day, Julia has vanished without a trace... 

Thus begins a quest for truth and vengeance, from Minsk to Moscow to Washington – one that will lead Irina to discover her true calling.

Initially I looked at this and was unsure of the cover art. I mean it is okay but not the more "realistic" style I am used to withthe XIII series. Then I looked through it and decided not to look at it again for a few days. Basically I just removed "XIII" from my mind (no secret government agency was involved) and started reading.  The art is pleasing and the shadows and colours used were atmospheric.

The story? Considering that Van Hamme is only the supervisor on this it was a gripping story. Dare I write all the plot twists and double dealings you expect from the main series itself?

And the last page again!!

Looking at the individual characters and their stories is quite effective -the first volume was The Mongoose but I cannot remember a thing about that other than the cover but, luckily, Cinebook reviews are always in the top 20 swirling about and.. got the link. Wow. No wonder I can't remember anything about the book -the review was posted 26th September 2014!

Am I going to still be alive when volume 3 is published??

Joking aside these are good stand alone books well worth adding to your XIII DO have an XIII collection, right?

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