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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 26 June 2022

Chuckle On


I was going through the items stored on CBO and found a lot of material that would have made up Mega Posts.

There was the Sub-Mariner Mega Post, the Dr Jekyll and Mr H, the Avengers, Justice League of America, Samson, the Frankenstein Monster...oh and the Atlas Comics mega post.

There was a Tarzan one planned, a Dracula one and one featuring old time favourites Mandrake the Magician, Flash Gordon and the Phantom.

There were also some short videos planned on comics.

Oh, and more Obscure British Super Hero posts.

However, as I kept writing, my time is getting more precious as I get older and to spend one to two days gathering images and putting together huge texts posts only to reaction. Nuh-huh. Not happening.

I wouldn't really care about the lack of response as thousands saw each post and more are checking them out 2-3 years on. In fact I was checking something earlier and found that posts going back to 2022 are still being read and people are really digging into the old posts (I'll admit some of them I had to check myself as I had forgotten them completely).

The problem is financial. This blog has tried everything to get support so I can concentrate on it full time but every time it was met response.

You might think that with (now) 9 million views world-wide CBO might attract a sponsor of some kind but no. 

I decided that when things clear up and I have more time I may do a sister publication to Comic Bits magazine but don't hold your breath.

I gave it a shot from 1997 to 2022 and so now it's a case of you get what I post when I post and no more 7-10 posts a day as that was full time work.

Chuckle On

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