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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 18 June 2022

Past Stats Are Present Stats and Tomorrows Kang Involved?

 I know, you all panicked thinking that I had stopped posting for good. But I'm back. 

What do you mean "Haven't you been posting?"???  

It is slowly getting to that point I will admit. I was just checking with people whose books I review and they tell me the sales do peak after reviews. Which is odd because my books get thousands of views and not one has sold since February. So the point of my posting to make sales for others but not myself seems dumb. 

I checked stats and see that the 2011 David Gordon interview (which has NEVER left the top 5 since) managed to get back up to number one after pushing my top 2 Chinese language posts out of their place. 

您好 has had over 98.4k views while 中国漫画 - 张曼华,出版商 only got 19.4k and  my Chinese language Avengers post 我会推荐什么漫画书? - 更新 got 17k views Dave's interview has had a total of 48.3k views but the second all time highest number of views was the Green Skies one page advert from 2013 with 92.5k...still not sold a copy of the book though so work that one out (and you see why CBO is getting close to being mothballed). 


The top 8 posts appear to the right on this blog.  


And if you think its all read and forget -that Kingsman post was from 2014 and people still check it out. At one time Casterman, the French BD publishing house, used to send books (a LOT of books) to review and those are appearing in today's top 10 CBO list today. John Short's Jungle Princess is back up into the top 10 again as are Cinebook and Hexagon oh, and of course Joachim Witt's RÜBEZAHL video (it had to be).  


The one thing that surprises me is that posts from 2011 onward keep popping into the top 10 viewed and last week two appeared and I could not even remember what they were about!! 


All of this since 1997 has been free of charge to promote comics -and there are a couple of reviews coming up. Its been pushed past the unsustainable point because I also (I hate to disappoint you) need to eat and pay bills and doing a lot of work for nothing and having been read by over 8 million people -no donations, no sponsors the frustration kicks in. 


Enjoy it while it lasts -and buying books helps support the aged comicker (thats me)! 

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