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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 2 March 2023


 Hexagon Comics USA now offers a growing catalog of translations of selected titles from the library of a 70-year-old French comics publisher.

You can order our books from our website at or through amazon.

Retailers can purchase the books directly from us at a 40% discount from our website or from distributor Ingram. Contact us at



7x10 square bound trade paperback, 

88 p. b&w

ISBN-13: 978-1-64932-162-6. 


Stories by Jean-Marc Lofficier; art & cover by Alfredo Macall. Additional art by Gabriel Mayorga, Manuel Martin Peniche, Juan Roncagliolo Berger.

Will the Towers prove true to their word and release Starlock? 

Will Homicron return in time to help her fellow Strangers? 

Will Atlantis fall as it was preordained? 

All our heroes are on stopping the evil Twilight Lord Kruge from using the all-powerful weapon Kera to rewrite the course of history.

Starlock, Starcyb, Homicron, Tanka, Count Saint-Germain, Dick Demon, Kit Kappa, the Zorr-ko, the Time Brigade and more are fighting a hopeless battle to thwart Kruge’s mad plan. But what if the weapon had its own plans?

Suddenly, it is no longer only the history of Earth which hangs in the balance, but that of the entire universe!

Jean-Marc Lofficier & Alfredo Macall team up again to craft this cataclysmic conclusion to the third “season” of Strangers. Plus two bonus stories: the origins of Starcyb by Manuel Martin Peniche and two agents of CLASH on the planet New Camelot by Juan Roncagliolo Berger.

Just look at that cover! Lovely design and the colours are well balanced and atmospheric -it's almost like a movie poster.  I would love to see more of Gabriel Mayorga's art though I am not complaining when I have Macall's artwork to sweep me though all of this. I am still not sure why Macall's art appeals to me so much but I always tend to smile when I see his work and feel disappointed when he isn't contributing to a book (there are one or two!).

When it came to Juan Roncagliogo Berger's artwork..clean line work, solid black and white and looking gorgeous -at one point it reminded me of the work of the great Romero with an added twist of Alex Raymond. Nothing can be faulted here.

All written and overseen, of course, by Lofficier. Then we have the Starcyb story with plot and art by Peniche. The artwork with its strong use of negatives  (black and white) worked superbly for a story set in space.  That final panel was very effective leaving a lot of questions.

I will freely admit as a life long Marvel Avengers reader that these books are far more entertaining than what Marvel is currently producing and DC has its own problems so if you want good, entertaining comics here is a starter for you. Great comic entertainment does not have to be in full colour and if that is all that is holding you back then you are punishing yourself!  Check out Hexagon's site and look around and something is bound to catch your eye.

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