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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 30 March 2023

Cinebook: BEREZINA BOOK 3/3


Authors: Frédéric Richaud, based on the novel by Patrick Rambaud; illustrated by Ivan Gil

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 72 colour pages
Publication: January 2023

£10.99 Incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800440906

The terrible Russian winter has engulfed the retreat, and the Grande Armée is no more. Mercilessly harassed by the fierce Cossacks, a few thousand men only continue to trudge forward, weak, starving, emaciated, leaving a trail of frozen dead behind. And as Russian regular forces prepare to surround and trap them, the weather suddenly turns warmer, making rivers impassable. To escape, they will have to somehow cross a river whose name would soon become synonymous with tragedy: the Berezina … 

The previous two volumes were reviewed here:

Book 1

Book 2

Most people thinking of the Napoleonic War tend to think of the huge set piece battles such as Waterloo. In fact there were many smaller battles and engagements -"skirmishes" not grand enough to include in the big history books. I think that this series has shown this well.

There are plenty of small set pieces featuring the characters and this is not just a war comic with pretty uniforms. It shows the hard marches and the toll those take as well as the effect on the men and just how low war and starvation can take people -cannibalism. Meanwhile Bonaparte still seems to cling to the mad hope of rallying forces. 

The final page is quite poignant.

If you want to learn more then there is a brief text feature that adds to the work. The series is highly recommended.

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