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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 22 April 2012

Casterman: Caroline Baldwain 16: La Conjuration de Bohême/The Conspiracy of Bohemia

Caroline Baldwain 16: La Conjuration de Bohême/The Conspiracy of Bohemia
Author: Andrew Taymans  
Collection: Red Line
Series: Caroline Baldwin
Volume: 16 Hard cover
Full colour
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 22.7×32.1×0.9 cm
ISBN: 2203040661
EAN: 9782203040663

Price: € 11.95
Release Date: 25/04/2012

Miraculously not having been killed in an assassination attempt, but still sought for a terrorist plot which they had nothing to do with, Caroline Baldwin and Philips begin to investigate the strange Bohemian Club, to which all their paths seem to lead.

A specialist in cults learns that the club serves as a cover for a secret society created in the late nineteenth century and whose members are the elite of conservative America. The symbolic attributes of the Bohemian Club, whose political projects seem to be, to say the least, disturbing, are, encrypted on the one dollar bill.
Caroline has, over recent years, continually crossed paths with this cult. Joined by  FBI agent Gary Scott, Philips and Caroline decide to intensify their research and investigation.

The two men head for Monte Rio, California, the principal place of business of the Club, while Caroline heads for Quebec to try to unmask the author of the messages she has received via Facebook –the mysterious Audrey, who claims to be the companion of a man who is supposed to have been dead for ten years…

Gods I hate jumping into a series –and at number 16!  The story seems straight forward enough with murder, action and international conspiracy.  The style of art is fairly straight forward and nicely detailed.

I’m guessing this is quite a popular series since there is one site on the net showing a Caroline Baldwain statuette being produced on Andrew Tayman’s site:

Actually, a very fine resin model.

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