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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 April 2012

Casterman: Lefranc –L’Eternel Shogun/The Eternal Shogun

Casterman: Lefranc –L’Eternel Shogun/The Eternal Shogun
Authors: Thierry Robberecht , Régric , Jacques Martin  
Collection: Jacques Martin
Series: Lefranc
Volume: 23
Hard cover
Full colour
Pages: 48
ISBN: 2203031883
EAN: 9782203031883
Price: € 10.95
Release Date: 11/04/2012

In the early 50s, hosted by the Cultural Services of the imperial palace, Lefranc is on assignment in Tokyo, Japan, still occupied by U.S. forces after the defeat of 1945. But his mission is cut short. Hardly has he arrived than he is witnessing a robbery at the museum of the Emperor. Despite his intervention, the thieves – one of whom was captured, committed suicide before his eyes – manage to get away with the armour of the last shogun.

The event is serious, because the armour is a symbol of the Tokugawa clan, subdued by the Emperor in the late nineteenth century. Humbled, the heirs of the old aristocracy of the samurai dream to return to combat, especially since the Emperor capitulated to the Americans. Possession of the armour could be the catalyst that they need, as they are assisted by a group of fanatical Nazis who have used a submarine to smuggle in a secret weapon…

The Lefranc character was created by Jacques Martin in 1952 and as Martin died in 2010(?) I’m guessing this was one of his last books –in conjunction with Thierry Robberecht and Regric –colourist being Bruno Wesel.

 Lefranc is the type of Franco-Belgian adventurer that appeared in the post war years and whose popularity have kept them in print.  This edition is part of the Lefranc 1952-2012 celebration.
A nice action story.

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