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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Wanga Comics -Les Nouveaux Gardiens/The New Guardians #2
Les Nouveaux Gardiens/The New Guardians #2
Wanga Comics
Alexandre Fievet (W)
Vincent Maria (A)
Anthony Dugenest (C)
US Size
Full Colour
36 pages
3.99 Euro  Bel. 4.60 Euro  UK £3.30

To counter any new threats, the Guardians of the Earth decided to form a new generation of heroes by hosting a reality show. Meanwhile, two young boys decide to form their own group of Guardians.  Reality TV shows to recruit new members –everyone knew it had to happen eventually!

This is basically volume 2 from Wanga and there are cameos from some original members.  Well paced, though I missed #1 so not sure how much I missed there.  The art, again (I really have no idea why!) I initially thought “poor” but I’m glad when I’m in those frames of mind that I leave off reviewing!  It might be that I like to see lots of background details but there really is nothing wrong with this.

I know super heroes to many minds “must be American” but I’m hoping Wanga or Hexagon will produce a France-based hero!  This shows super heroes do not have to be a solely US thing!

What I find odd, though, is that with most French comics/BD review sites tend to have cover images but show very little, if any, interior artwork.  You can, of course, visit the Wanga Comics site (see blog roll) where there are online previews.

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