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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 20 April 2012

The Dream Quest Of Randolph Carter – A Reminder

If you can help support this project please do!

I always like to give budding creators a push up the ladder (sometimes down if they **** me off) and Charles Cutting is one of those (I want to push up that ladder not off!).

I got this email from Charles providing a link to hisindiegogo projects page.  Basically, rather like Kate Glasheen did with Bandages: A Diary Of Sorts, Charles is trying to raise the money to produce his book. Info here:

In case you want the easy explanation without leaving CBO (internet exercise is good for you!):

My name is Charles Cutting, and I am an artist and illustrator based in Oxford, England. For over a year I have been providing The Illustrated Ape magazine with a web comic based on an H.P.Lovecraft story. After receiving a lot of positive feedback about it I thought that it would be exciting to put the first instalment into print.
I need $4000 to cover my printing and promotion costs. This will include launching it at The Thought Bubble Comics Festival in Leeds, England, in November 2012. If you help me do this I can send you personalized copies of Part 1 and, if you are really wildly generous, pieces of the original artwork as well! If I don’t reach my goal I shall still use the money raised towards the print run but shall have to turn to crime to fund the rest of the project.

By funding this project you are helping bring a piece of funky comic art to the world. If you want to read the comic before it gets published go to

where you can see what you will be paying for. Also, if you fund this campaign I will offer you the second instalment at half price when it is published as a thank you for helping me realize the project.

If you haven’t got loads of spare cash to throw at a complete stranger on the Internet, but you like the comic, you can tweet about it, mention it on Face Book or accost random strangers in the street and tell them all about it.
Thank you for looking at my project.

I am hoping that you check the link to the art pages?  The art is almost comics Golden Age and works wonderfully with the story and idea.  The colouring in particular I really love -if you have a good art style it does not necessarily mean that the colouring is going to be good.  Here the two merge into one another splendidly.

There is another element. At a 1980s UK Comic Art Convention (UKCAC) the late Moebius responded to the question about lettering your own comic.  His response: “If you write and draw the comic you should do the lettering -so long as it is legible. It is part of the artists work and feel.”  I think Charles’ lettering works, though I’m sure some will disagree.

This is the sort of book you might see coming out of Europe and I really hope Charles succeeds in getting the sponsors he needs.  Its a chance for you to support talent and I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for this one!

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