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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 April 2012

Casterman- La Frontiere Invisible/ The Invisible Frontier 1

Casterman- La Frontiere Invisible/ The Invisible Frontier 1
Authors: Benoît Peeters , François Schuiten  
Collection: Universe of authors
Series: The Obscure Cities
Soft Cover
Full colour
Pages: 136
Dimensions: 23.8×29.5×1.5 cm
Price: € 20.00
ISBN: 2203049073
EAN: 9782203049079

Release Date: 25/04/2012

In June, 765 (of a future or perhaps even another reality) young Roland Cremer arrives to take up his position at the renowned Centre for Mapping, a huge building on the edge of a desert.  He is befriended by Mr. Paul, an Old School cartographer who is faced with the arrival of new machinery that, it is claimed, will revolutionise cartography.

Roland  soon realizes that he is only a small part of a simmering conflict between the ancients and moderns and, perhaps even an hostage of sorts in a political manoeuvre. And while the world of the Obscure Cities is in deep crisis, the supreme head of the Sodrovno Voldachie, Marshal Radisic, seeks to make use of mapping to legitimize military conquests which would allow him to build an empire …
And just what is the secret of the lovely Shkodra?

If I’m right I think that this was first published in the Netherlands in Flemish?  I’m trying to work out how Peeters has coloured this but does it matter when it looks so cool?

And if you’ve ever seen the film Brazil let me tell you that La Frontiere Invisible makes it pale in comparison. There are some incredible touches and surrealistic moments that European creators seem to excel at.  The chapter pages are excellent examples of this.

This is a nice, chunky book that I’ve looked through so many times since it arrived and has to be one of my favourites to date –in the top 5 at least!

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