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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 26 April 2012

Casterman: Comes -L’Ombre du Corbeau/The Shadow of the Raven

L’Ombre du Corbeau/The Shadow of the Raven
Author: Didier Comès  
Collection: Universe of authors
Soft cover
Black and white
Pages: 64
Dimensions 24 x 29 cms
ISBN: 2203020458
EAN: 9782203020450
Price: € 16.00
Release Date: 02/05/2012
September 1915; the Meuse Front. Miraculously surviving a French artillery bombardment, a German soldier, Goetz von Berlichingen, wanders alone in a devastated landscape. Strange visions – a flute player, animals that have survived the ravages of war, a child playing with a rabbit who leads him to a castle, also inexplicably spared the fighting. The castle residents, a curious family some of whom are hostile and others more friendly, all seem to know him personally. The young soldier soon discovers that his hosts represent different aspects of death. They are left to decide what to do with him …
This is another reprint of Comes work and it over thirty years there seems to have been no loss of impact in his work.  The solid black and white is replaced by minute stippling for shading and it works marvellously.  The characters, scenes and settings as well as aircraft and paraphernalia of the First World War are spot on.

And there is a nice text feature along with colour photographs about Comes and his work –though it is a little beyond my French!

Three Comes books released by Casterman in one fell swoop.  One of these surely has to tempt you!

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