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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 10 April 2012

A File Of Treasures

As anyone who knows me or who has visited my home knows (Messrs Northall & Brown!) there are papers and files everywhere.  I keep all correspondence -some going back to 1975.

CBOers will recall (I hope) that I have found more than a few gems of art/documents in the past when accidentally stumbling upon a folder in a box or lookinbg in an oldenvelope.  Today I was desperately trying to find some correspondence between myself and a former Odhams boss for an article when I found a letter/receipt.

I had assumed this was one of the pieces of documentation I had lost in a fire a loooong while back but it was crushed under documents in a folder labelled Boiselle Lohmann -an agency I produced gag cartoons for in the early 1990s.

I think it explains everything.  Please note:permission from myself must be given in writing before any attempt to reproduce this document anywhere on the internet in any context.  (cpr 1990.76.25)

As already noted on previous occasions, ownership by Hebden was confirmed by more than one former Odhams executive.

I must have been insane to part with that kind of money.

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