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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 5 June 2015

It IS A Good Question....

Stefan asked "why?" I had to go to Eire to buy German comics when there are lots on Ebay?

I have tried buying from German sellers but, apart from one who told me I'd have "to pay extra tax" (which is utter bullshit and I told him so), one after another has told me "I do not sell to the UK".  I point out that if the postage is a bit more then no problem.  But, no.  They will not.

Why?  No idea.  There are some who have on their pages that they will not post outside Germany or plain straight "no selling to UK".  Ebay says that's up to them.

If I'm willing to pay -via Paypal- what the sellers ask AND the postage just why will they not sell to the UK?

Beats me, but, I have another seller with a few German comics -again, in Eire.  I'll wait and see.

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