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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 11 June 2015

You See -People DO Read CBO Posts!

Was it back in February? Anyway, I posted scans of a strip titled House Call by Gary Stainsby from 1987 as part of the look back at Black Tower's origins.

I did wonder whether Gary was still drawing somewhere out there?

Yesterday I got an email from Gary.  He is still drawing but has no website.  He is currently working on a project he hopes to self publish.  Sounds great.

Now I'll have to hold my breath and keep my fingers crossed!


  1. Looking forward to it. Anyone who can name a character 'Briezblok' has my respect. Y'know, more underground people should tell you ( and send you pictures and updates of ) what they're up to, Terry. It's interesting to see what's 'brewing'. Anyway. Back to the salt mines. Seeya.

  2. It will be interesting to see what he does. As for all those other artists.....probably had sense and got out of comics!
