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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 12 June 2015

The "Vanished" Comic Creators Of The 1970s and 1980s

Someone said that David Hornsby had done pencilling at Marvel Comics in the mid-1990s as was still involved in comics.

Yeah, this is not the Dave Hornsby who produced Apocalypse as he was British and if you check out the Marvel chap he was born and educated in the United States and would have been very young to produce the 1970s comic.

Dave Hornsby must be out there somewhere!

Also, I really would like to get in contact with Gristavisions own Merv Grist.  He did respond to an item on the old WordPress CBO but there was no live link or email address and I guess he never saw my follow up email!

Oh, and Cheshire based 1980s zine mega star Rich Holden of Caged fame.

And if you were around in the 1980s you would recall Spoonsy by Fran Ashcroft. Another one of the "vanished"!

Sadly, a good few of the old UK Small Press Golden Age have shifted off to that backroom photocopier in the sky.  But if you know any of these creators o0r if you produced any zines in the 1980s PLEASE get in touch.

And David A. Johnson, creator of Enigma, Madame Mystery and Blue Saviour -WHERE ARE YOU???

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