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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 8 August 2015

Comic Dealers

Apparently, it seems that there is absolutely NO ONE in the UK selling copies of Marvel Comics Avengers volume 1 issues.  I've tried Ebay.  I've tried putting a notice out on Face Book.  On Google+ and nothing.

Prices from US dealers are HIGH (but comic buyers in the US get these books for low prices in stores!) and the postage...yiiiiii.

Is there a reputable, non-rip off comic dealer in the UK with these issues?

#124 , 125, 129-151

If so...



  1. There's a few of these kicking about on eBay from UK sellers, but it all depends on how much you're willing to shell out.

  2. For example:

    Looks okay, but is the price acceptable?

  3. Beast joining the Avengers for £8.99 is NOT an acceptable price. If I purchased this from any one of the four US dealers I've looked at the book comes out at £2.50 and that should be about right. It's a very false, inflated price -the Beast as a character NEVER sold high priced comics when he appeared in a movie (X-Men Last Stand) and this is just using the name Avengers to ask higher prices.

  4. The comics you want are available from UK dealers, but I was a bit taken aback by some of the prices being asked for them. Mind you, last time I looked at these comics to buy was back in the early 90s. A lot of the Bronze Age stuff that dealers never could give away seems to be going for top dollar. I guess supply will eventually outstrip demand and prices will drop. Buying back issues is a game for the patient after all. I'll keep my eyes peeled on my travels and if I see them, at a decent price, I'll keep you in mind.
