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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 13 November 2012

In Defence Of The Bristol Comic Expo

I am absolutely hacked off!
“What’s new?” you may ask.  Well, I have noted before how dealers/traders at the Bristol Comics Expo have moaned on and on to me about the event and how they , herm, ‘never’ make much money.
I have SEEN those same people making a lot of money at their tables and telling people how good the event is…until their cronies are around.
Mike Allwood built up the Bristol Comic Expo into a great two day (yes, we all wish it was Friday-Sunday but…) family friendly event where you can see some great big name guests.  The hep-cats at Fallen Angel Media took over last year and though there were a few small problems it was still a great event and they have learnt lessons.
I have heard and even read emails from people involved in Captions, the MCM expoes and another event bad-mouthing the Bristol Expo.
Let me tell you what visitors and traders without two-faces tell me: the Bristol Expo is one they love. The location (no travelling great distances from anywhere -especially if you travel by rail) is great and atmospheric.  The locals outside the expo are friendly -friendlier than locals in other cities.  For tables the expo is the cheapest event I’ve found in the UK.
If YOUR local event is so much better (you know who are) then WHY keep coming back to Bristol??
And why not complain directly to the organisers rather than snipe and whine but when they come up and ask how it’s going saying “Great. Fine”?
The Bristol International Comic Expo is one I will always support so do not bad mouth it to me in future.

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