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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 13 November 2012

The Next Art:Hades Syndrom 6: End Spiel/End Game

Hades-Syndrom Teil VI: End Spiel/Part 6: End Game
Writer/Artist: Michael Feldmann
Tomppa (Der Engel) Variant cover limited to 50 copies
The Next Art
US Comic Size
Full colour
36 Seiten
6,00 EUR
ISBN 978-3-939400-44-8
If you’ve not read my previous posting on this series check it out here:
I’m not going to give much of the story away here. Dodo and Nuke finally get back together after a very violent and bloody showdown with Major Prugelt and his men…but things do not turn out to have a happy ending for the duo.
Set in a post WW III Germany, the book sports a great cover by Feldmann but if you are lucky, and you can find it, there is a variant Tomppa cover limited to just 50 copies.
Feldmann’s artwork has improved over the series and this is a strictly mature reader book with strong violent scenes and nudity/sex. This is very enjoyable and shows that, yes, Germany can produce great comics. Feldmann is one of those new German artists who I think will be around for a VERY long time.  You can see more of his work and there is a link to his pin-up art book (a nice pin-up piece is on the back cover of HS#6) here:
But is this it for Dodo and Nuke and the hades-syndrom world?  Maybe not.  Feldmann points out that this is the end of six years of work for him but that there are questions and scenarios that could see the two anti-heroes return.  I have to admit that I would, personally, like to see that.
Okay, Feldmann’s art is not going to have Marvel or DC chasing after him BUT that is a good thing in a way. His art is improving, as it should with any artist, but it works with his characters and his stories and you can see that it was hard work but that the -can I call it “fun”? and energy reaches out to the reader.
You can purchase all six issues from the Next Art Verlag and please do not let it put you off if you do not understand German because Feldmann’s art carries the story through and I’d like to see more people get a hold of this book.

Tomppa Variant auf 50 Stück limitiert

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