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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 November 2012

Why Was D-Gruppe Cancelled?

Someone asked WHY I had cancelled the D-Gruppe title since it was, after all, Germany’s only super hero team (after 30 years surely someone else must have come up with something…no!).


Well, those who have read it like it.  However, there appears to be a ban on publicising/reviewing my books in the UK -after over five years of publishing higher quality books, only TWO have been mentioned on review sites in the UK.  Everything else I’ve sent out has…just not been reviewed.
I had hoped that the completed 50+ pages D-Gruppe annual that I sent out to five different reviewers might have gotten a mention after all these weeks.  No. It’s pointless writing, drawing, editing and publishing a book and then sending out review books when no one reviews them and let’s comic fans know the books are out there.
After the money wasted on the printing (and double postal costs) of review books in 2012 I’m stopping.  Every -every- book sent to CBO gets reviewed. People have spent the time and effort sending the books so its only common courtesy.
As new plans are underway for D-Gruppe I do wonder whether to leave the books at the online store or delete them.  Whatever, even if people like a book it’s pointless if you do not get the mention you need to sell copies generally.
There’s your answer.

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