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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 14 September 2014

Some Old Cover art

I don't think I've shown these before?  If I have -my apologies!

The first cover was meant to be for a comic-cum-magazine --I'll leave it up to you to guess at which publisher was involved.
 Well, naturally, as was usual, the project was cancelled but no one told me until I had delivered the work for two issues.  After the "Yeah, we're not doing that now!" all further correspondence stopped....probably because I was demanding a "kill fee" for all the work.

I did think about using the cover a few years before I relaunched Adventure but decided against it.
 Now, some bright spark at Egmont decided a new action comic was needed out of the blue.  I used an illo Mike Western had pencilled and I had inked.  Put some pages together ready to meet the man at the 2008 Bristol Comic Expo.  He never showed but a couple of his colleagues did. I was told this was NOT a company idea but something the man had decided to try out but the idea had been stepped on as Egmont pointed out they had no idea who owned what and they were not getting into comic publishing.

I love wasting time.
Before Thunder, in 2007 in fact, I had a long chat with another company who were producing mainly young kids comics.  I had no faith what-so-ever as the people I spoke to seemed not to understand comics. So I just re-packaged some pages with this cover and sent it off.

Nothing.  Never a word.  I was right.

One day, someone who is serious is going to get in touch....I hope!


  1. Hey. Just a note - I put a letter in the post today ( it's a Japanese holiday today - though the main offices stay open - God bless 'em ! ). I think you've done a lot of work for others, Terry. It's time for you to get some credit. Anyway - when the letter arrives, let me know what you think of the art stuff. Cheers.

  2. yeah, well there's a wheelchair looming.

  3. I have a small package to send you tomorrow. Should have gone today but blah blah bl;ah
