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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 27 September 2014

What Ever Happened To Blake & Mortimer?

I had a couple of queries from people who have searched CBO (believe me this is a site with well over 2000 posts so they deserve medals!) looking for specific Cinebook reviews. I checked and they are quite correct in that certain books were not reviewed because I never received them!

Blake & Mortimer 12 and 17 for instance. I think I noted in the review of 13 and then 18 that I was a wee bit confused and it seems that was because I missed the previous books. I just checked the bookcase in front of me with all the Cinebooks and, yes, there are a few volumes from various series missing.

Its odd because I get a book to review and I assume that I have reviewed the previous one.  Even when that nagging voice is whispering in my head!

But you can go over to the Cinebook site where all the books are listed!

So apologies if any of you have tried looking for a certain book and cannot find it -publishers send books that they want to send and I accept what I receive so its beyond my control!

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