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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 21 July 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art: LUCKY LUKE 73 - THE PROPHET

Authors: Bob de Groot; illustrated by Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: April 2019
 ISBN: 9781849184403
 £6.99 inc. VAT

Returned to their penitentiary by Lucky Luke for the umpteenth time, the Daltons meet a troubling character: Dunkle, a self-proclaimed prophet fond of fiery speeches. His continual preaching eventually converts the ever hapless Averell. Soon, all five escape together and find refuge in a friendly, welcoming community, where they sow chaos and discord each in their own way – unaware that Lucky Luke is already tracking them …

There has to be criticism about the US penal system back then!  

I mean, 73 volumes in and these miscreants still escape and cause trouble and Luke captures them and returns them to prison and then...they escape...AGAIN!!

To be honest I ran out of things to say about Lucky Luke books about 20 volumes ago!  

Quality of art -top notch and cannot be faulted!
Story and gags- do I have to repeat myself?  Okay: top notch and cannot be faulted!
Print and colour quality -(I am NOT asking this time!): top notch and cannot be faulted!

Add to all of this the fact that LL has now reached volume 73 and you have to be impressed. I was never a fan of the character but I soon became one (a fan) and all those years ago -I prefer to not think how many years ago- I wondered how the character/series might be greeted by UK readers (these English language versions are snapped up by French and Belgian tourists,too). 

I thought volume 20 was a milestone since only 4(?) had seen print in English before.

I thought volume 30 was an incredible milestone but volume 40...50...60...THAT, my friends, is success.

I would recommend

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