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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art Newsletter 139 - July 2019

Dear Reader,
Summer is here and trying hard to melt everyone at Cinebook, but have no fear: our duty is to bring you fantastic new titles to enjoy, and by golly, so we shall!
Starting with a new Billy & Buddy, where the little boy and his too-smart-for-everyone’s-own-good cocker spaniel, too, have to deal with hot summer days – and blessedly cool mountain holidays …
The weather on Altair seems to be mostly good, but both the wildlife and the local human population have plenty of potential to make Paul’s life difficult. And if that wasn’t enough, strange phenomena are beginning to pop up … Travel to Distant Worlds and investigate!
Then there’s Buck Danny, who has a lot on his plate: a global conspiracy, a major war brewing, and a nasty typhoon bearing down on his carrier strike group – definitely enough to justify going to Defcon One!
Finally, we’d like to thank you for the warm welcome you’ve givenRoute 66 List – last month’s new series – which is off to a roaring start! Strap in, though – it’s a wild ride!
July with Cinebook: hot, hot, hot!
Our latest catalogue is now available from the website – 17 new titles, 3 new series, the return of many old friends …

Go take a look and start picking your next reads!

Billy & Buddy 7 
Beware of (Funny) Dog!
Life with Buddy is always full of adventures and the unexpected. Daily life and special occasions, summer or winter, at home or on holidays … The little devil always finds a way to spice up his humans’ lives – starting with Billy’s ... Read more

Buck Danny 10 
Formosa & Zumbiehl
Despite the assistance of Japanese Counter Intelligence Agent Suki Nishiwa, Buck and his friends were unable to gather solid proof of tycoon Yamasaki and Lady X’s plans to trigger a war between China and the United States...Read more

Distant Worlds 3 
Episode 3
Abandoned amidst a hostile wilderness, Paul has been rescued by a biologist, Mr Amid. The scientist is studying the pearls that are Altair’s true wealth – and more particularly the plants that produce them and that appear to be dying off. Amid offers to take on Paul as his assistant... Read more
Mermaid Project 3
Episode 3
The Regiment 1
The True Story of the SAS
Return to Aldebaran 1
pisode 1

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