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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 20 July 2019

Cinebook the 9th Art: MERMAID PROJECT 3

Authors: Leo & Corine Jamar; illustrated by Fred Simon
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
ISBN: 9781849184120
£6.99 inc. VAT
Publication: This product will be in stock on Thursday 12 September, 2019.

Roger, Romane’s brother, has been transferred to an Algapower lab in Brazil. Shortly afterwards, his sister, still working for Intelligence, arrives in Rio. Her new mission: to get in touch with her brother and convince him to inform the authorities on the company and its mysterious Mermaid Project. The stakes have changed for the Pennac siblings, though: among the documents retrieved during the New York mission, their names appear on a list of potential test subjects... 
All that I can say about this book is that I still have the sub-Manga problem.  However, the story is a cracking one and, as this is volume 3, the art style -physiology of characters- is not bad, It really is me!  Buildings, vehicles, scenery -all top notch.  So I can sit down and read this series with no I babbling?  Probably because my laptop keeps crashing.
Anyway, the twists and turns in this story are great fun and just like volume 1 left me wanting more...then volume 2 left me wanting more.  Guess what?  This volume has left me wanting more.
Very worth reading.

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