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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Now it behoves me......

Now it behoves me to tell you that I have "some" books for sales and that they are jolly good fun.
Well, apart from the dark futuristic stories....the horror...start again.
I have books written and drawn by more than one person. I write a lot but then I am the self-styled "King of British Comics" and all around genius -I even repaired faulty window catches yesterday.
There are prose books covering natural history, pioneering ballooists, the paranormal, cryptozoology, UFOs -enough to educate anyone thinking of walking the path of Counter-actuality.
We also have Osaka Brutal -Illustrated Japanese Haiku by a very tall Englishman living in Osaka, Japan who happens to be a Haiku Golden Belt (I had no idea there was such a thing until a few years back).
There is sci fi/horror with Tom Elmes' Descent. Crime busting and archaeological adventure with John Erasmus' Denizen Ark:Unemployed crime fighter and Dervish Ropey.
There are 9 online pages with 10 titles per page -including collected editions.
Lots of titles to tempt anyone who is genuinely interested in Independent comics and books.
Go on -check it out (please)

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