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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 27 May 2021

Cinebook Ltd -Newsletter 161 - May 2021


Dear Reader,

Welcome to our May newsletter, and all the wonders and cautionary tales contained within!

And THAT encompasses pretty much everything that Gomer Goof does, if you think about it … Spectacular inventions and genius moments, yes … but each one with some critical flaw, overlooked consequence or rather poor timing. So, enjoy this new volume of gigantic, yet hilarious, disasters!

There’s pretty little that’s wonderful in the second volume of HSE. Oh, sure, Felix has climbed above the pack and now lives the good life. But there’s a price to pay. There’s always a price to pay. And unfortunately, it may not be only Felix who pays it …

Finally, Yoko Tsuno returns with an adventure set in Southeast Asia. When a relic from the Second World War resurfaces, endangering an entire nation, both Yoko’s sense of justice and her honour as a daughter of Japan drive her to stand up for the oppressed and the innocent – a dangerous job whether on land or in the air.

May with Cinebook – wondrous images and words of wisdom!

Gomer Goof 8
André Franquin
A Giant Among Goofs

There’s no denying Gomer’s genius. Mechanics, botany, chemistry, zoology, musicology … His brain is capable of sudden brilliance in everything at which he tries his hand. The problem is that, brilliant or not, his inventions are never quite right for either the time, or the place ... Read more

Allart & Dorison
Human Stock Exchange 2

Felix has done it. His painstaking efforts have paid off, and he is now listed on the Human Stock Exchange. A new, more affluent life begins – new house, new car, new opportunities – though he hasn’t lost his burning desire to climb higher and higher ... Read more

Yoko Tsuno 16
Roger Leloup
The Cannon of Kra

Yoko, Vic and Pol are in Switzerland, testing a new civilian jet plane. At the end of their contract, they suddenly find out that they’ve unknowingly been preparing a mission for Japanese Intelligence. During World War Two, the Imperial Army had tested a colossal cannon, that was later thought destroyed ... Read more

Miss Endicott 1

Miss Endicott 2

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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