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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 9 May 2021

I Retired From Sunday Sermons

 I hope you Warhammer gamers and figure collectors have enjoyed the videos over the last few days?  Lucky Warhammer fest took place online because I spent most of my time on Friday then yesterday trying to get the computer working!

That's a sort of warning that posts may stop suddenly soon -though I notice when I do not post the views climb even higher.  That has been a thing for years and never understood how it works! 😋  

Anyway, as I am up to page 40 something of The Ultimate Game if the computer goes it means I can complete it without distraction (I certainly cannot scan anything A3 since my Mustek A3 Pro went wonky. It's fun redrawing early 1990s and 1980s stuff but adding a twist, that's a spoiler.  But its been fun.

Still, you can help support a declining old fart by visiting the online store a book....or two!

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