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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 3 May 2021

It's still only 1600 hrs in the UK

It's still only 1600 hrs in the UK but here are 'today's' stats so far.

 Ukraine seems to have vanished from the stats and it used to be up there with Russia in the top 5 all the time.

If anyone is visiting from the PRC, Hong Kong or Taiwan and Singapore can you just say "Hi" so I know as Google/Blogger tend to block a lot of systems that don't belong to Google!

United States 1.23K

Sweden 320

United Kingdom 193

Canada 177

France 133

Germany 106

Netherlands 94

Philippines 42

Russia 28

Japan 17

Australia 12

Portugal 12

Indonesia 11

United Arab Emirates 9

Malaysia 9

Austria 8

Poland 8

Bolivia 5

Ireland 4

Other 142


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