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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 24 February 2022

Cinebook Ltd: Lucky Luke 80 -The Alibi

 Authors: Morris &  Claude Guylouis

Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: September 2021

£7.99 Incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800440388

Lucky Luke is contacted by a rich individual with an unusual request: he wants to hire the Lonesome Cowboy to escort his stepdaughter Gisella on a trip across the Wild West. He wants her to see for himself the hard life of settlers and frontiersmen at least once before she settles into a comfortable married life. Luke arranges a few fake, safe incidents to entertain the young woman, but she’s no shrinking violet, and tends to charge headlong into trouble …  

I stated from the outset that I thought we might get 20 translated Luke albums, though others were saying it would be a miracle if 3 were published "no one is interested in European comics" (you know who you are). So then we got to 30 albums and I was all "Wow. More than I expected!" until we reached 40 albums...then 50....60.... you know where I'm going, right?

Eighty albums. And no publisher goes on printing books that are not selling. I say with a smile on my face that we have a new generation growing up reading Franco-Belgian comic albums.  The smile gets bigger when I think of the nasty little worms grinding their teeth in frustration!

They ought to stop grinding their teeth and pick up Lucky Luke 80! The, uh, brothers are back. No, not the religious order of brothers from any particular faction. You know who I mean. Okay, you want me to write it: the Dalton Brothers is back! Oh yes, and are things going to plan for them in a colourful book full of gags and Western action?  Big clue is the exclamation: "Oh No! Lucky Luke!"

Hey, come on I could be tricking you. Maybe the Daltons paid me to makle it look bad for them when all is going well for them.  Things look to be going mighty fine on page 45.....what a difference a panel makes.

Anyway if you love Lucky Luke, and it looks like a lot of you do, then her is the 80th book for your shelf. You might need to reinforce the shelf a bit as 80th books crashing to the ground at 3 am is scary!

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