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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 24 February 2022



Author: De Gieter

Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: December 2021

£7.99 incl VAT

 ISBN: 9781800440395

Theti-Cheri asks Papyrus to accompany her to the temple of Mout-Sekhmet, where she is to conduct a ceremony to appease the goddess’s wrath, kindled after the previous high priest committed crimes. Unfortunately, the day chosen by the princess is viewed as extremely inauspicious by the superstitious peasantry, and Papyrus, born among the simple people of Egypt, refuses the young woman’s request, angering her. By the time he changes his mind and joins her, there are evil plans afoot …

This is one of those books that is drawn in a deceivingly cartoon style until you look closer and I love the details De Geiter gets into the panels. The colours are lovely and bright nd, as always, the printing quality is superb.  But what about the story itself?

Evil priest, strange lizard creatures, a female held hostage and a fight to free her and plenty of  shennanigans along the way along with the final confrontation -this could almost be a Conan adventure. If you fancy leaving cold Cimmeria for much warmer Egypt for adventure then this is the book.

If you are a fan of Papyrus then you will not need me telling you this. Never read a book from the series before? Sytart here!

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