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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 May 2022

Cinebook Ltd -BEREZINA BOOK 1/3

 Authors: Frédéric Richaud, based on the novel by Patrick Rambaud; illustrated by Ivan Gil

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: March 2022

£9.99 incl. VAT

ISBN: 9781800440623

1812. After the sort of lightning-fast attack he is known for, Napoleon and his colossal Grande Armee have ridden deep into the heart of Russia. But the Russians have no intention of letting him have his way, and several bloody and inconclusive battles have already taken place – no Austerlitz there. So, when the French finally arrive in Moscow, they’re exhausted, starving, weakened, and fervently hoping they’ll get a chance to rest … and maybe even accept the Czar’s surrender after the fall of his capital … 

"The Great War", "The Napoleonic War" or, if you prefer, one of the first world wars (Seven Years War etc got there first). Whichever you go for I have never really understood the fascination with the conflict. War gamers are fascinated by the sheer number of uniforms and colours while historians like the politics and grand battle set pieces.

Cinebook dealt with the conflict previously with the three volume series The Battle which was excellent and I reviewed it here:

Oddly the same team worked on this new series and Ralenti and De Cock do fine colouring work. The sometimes cramped panels really give the feeling of there being a huge army on the move and the more intimate scenes and actions work well. The Battle did receive the 2014 Historia Prize for best historical comic and when you see the amount of accuracy in the history, scenes, clothes and uniforms that has gone into this book my guess is that they may get another award?

Certainly a book for readers interested in history or just looking for a good read.

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