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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 13 April 2015

And The Green Skies Page Numbers Grow

Thanks in part to getting the willow planting out of the way earlier in the day I have now finished three more pages for The Green Skies.

This time it was the Japanese action pages which included the first appearance of The Demons Three.  Next will be the Africa and then New Zealand and Australia sections. I did say this book would be big and as a "last bow" I intend to cram in as much as I can -and I found space action pages I'd forgotten which increases the page count, along with the pages from yesterday -two days and eight more pages.

Anyone counting??

1 comment:

  1. No. I'm not counting. I'm anticipating. This is going to be a massive tome. A construction of epic proportions. I'm not counting........ I'm waiting....... ( as I think maybe you are, too ) ... to see how it all ends up....does the earth survive ? I'm waiting....
