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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 1 June 2015

British Heroes: An Occasional Series Part 2: The Green Cross Code Man!

Part 1 here, baby:

For obscure British super heroes you could do no better the The Green Cross Code Man...I don't think he thought any super villains but he bigged up road safety!  The character was played in TV ads and shorts by Dave Prowse from 1975 into the 1980s by Darth Vader (body not voice!).  

Above: If only!!

Below in one of his comic strip appearances drawn by Dave Gibbon

 Below: I am positive I had one of these badges but either another home move or, uh, 'borrowing', saw it vanish!

Below: Prowse is a very relaxed person and easy-going so not surprisingly kids liked him -hey, he was a real super hero after all!

I think the below is Ian Kennedy art.

40 years on...time ain't good to us. 79 years old and still primed and ready -Dave Prowse!

However, let us not forget that It's been estimated that the original Green Cross Code campaign saved as many as 250,000 children from being injured or killed on our roads. That is heroic!
David Prowse as the Green Cross Code Man

See, I see myself as 1970s Dave Prowse whereas I'm more 2018's version....

1 comment:

  1. Wow. So that's what Dave Prowse looks like now . As well as the Green Cross Code man, he also played the Minotaur in the Doctor Who serial ' The Time Monster ' . A role basically, look good in the costume and charge!
