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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 31 October 2016

A Happy Creepy Scary All Hallows Eve! (videos and More!)

As we look up and see the green tint to the sky getting darker, time for the Agents to relax and have an All Hallows Eve (Halloween) break.

Incidentally, the RCMP have reported incursions of Octopoid like creatures in and around Manitoba.  There are also reported incursions near Hull, in the UK (don't they have enough problems with the werewolves?) and Kiel, Germany.  Unsubstantiated reported from near to Lake Ogopogo.

Could be a busy week if these are Octopoids from Dimension Gamma 2!

In the meantime, a song that always has the agents giggling....

Bobby Pickett "Monster Mash"

Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown
Die Monster Die!
Claudia Kane -Einstein -we need a musical interlude!

It! The Curse of the Golem
Island of the Burning Damned
The Earth Dies Screaming
The Legend Of The Werewolf

The Stone Tapes
Quatermass And The Pit  TV
Island of Terror
STORMCLOUDS - Nightmares In The Sky.
Goliath and the Vampires
The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake 

The Legend Of The Seven Golden Vampires!
And finally, and why not -The killer shrews (1959) 

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