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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 12 October 2016

You Tube Channel and Why ALL (My) Comic Video Content Will Be Deleted

I think regular visitors know that certain 'nice' people in the totally fake British 'comic community' complained to You Tube (who admit they were misinformed but...) got most of my more in depth comic vlogs banned.  245 countries is, world wide. That gives me bragging rights and a lot of cred!

I decided not to re-upload the videos and YT changed music on some -like this one.  I may pull it because its very insipid.

For the Chung Ling Soo video I changed the music myself.
In December of this year I will be deleting all of the comics content of my You Tube channel.  I'm thinking of moving vlogs to Daily Motion because YT has now become the unfriendliest service going. Adverts chucked into videos.  Adverts placed over a third of a video.  Many others are moving so take a last look.

You Tube destroyed itself.

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