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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 7 October 2016

JUSTICE LEAGUE Featurette (2017)


  1. Interesting thanks for posting - I still not that keen on this version of Aquaman, but it is probably more fitting for the big screen that the traditional (best imho) version - and I still don't understand why they are using a new Flash. I would have preferred to see Green Lantern and the Atom in this as well - Still I never thought I would see a JLA film so Im pretty happy its happening.

  2. Don't get me started. Smallville set the groundwork that the movies could be based on and had Green Arrow, Black Canary, Aquaman, Zatanna JSA and more. Seen world wide so its not like a movie goer who was interested would say "Who that?" And the current DC TV universe has enough characters but, no, let's confuse the hell out of people. Adam West and Burt Ward were Batman and Robin on TV. Same in the movie. For all its faults there was continuity!
    And, yes, I never thought I'd see TWO let alone one Avengers movie and now a JLA movie!!!!
