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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Descent....Horror In Space

Please note that all books should be available around the world and when you click on the online store the local currency should show. I am uncertain about availability in the Peoples Republic of China.

Tom Elmes -DESCENT


104 pp
Black and White
Price: £15.00 (excl. VAT)
With DESCENT Elmes returns to his comic roots having spent some years involved in animation. In this 104 page classic only one prisoner aboard a space craft awakes from stasis alive. All the others are dead..well, the living dead! Can the lone surviving prisoner and the guards survive the zombie onslaught? Who knows -but we can tell you this is the most zombie fun you’ll get outside of the Resident Evil movies!!

If John Erasmus is a vastly under-rated talent then not far behind him is Tom Elmes who has worked on international award winning animation outside of comics.  When Tom said: “Do you want to publish a couple books of mine?” I must admit I thought long and hard -I think 1.3 microseconds!
I did wonder whether he might still have that “edge” after all these years.  He has.
In the 1980s Tom Elmes was earning himself the title “King of the Zine Nasty” -classic, somewhat gorey, stories such as “The Man Who Ate Himself To Death” are still enough to make you go “URGH!” after all these years.
With DESCENT Elmes returned to his comic roots having spent some years involved in animation. In this 104 page classic only one prisoner aboard a space craft awakes from stasis alive.  All the others are dead..well, the living dead! Can the lone surviving prisoner and the guards survive the zombie onslaught?  Who knows -but we can tell you this is the most zombie fun you’ll get outside of the Resident Evil movies!!

Below are a few selected pages all (c)2017 T. Elmes/BTCG

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