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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 12 May 2017

Marvel Is Bringing Back its Legends in Marvel Legacy

WHY is everyone so surprised? I said there was ANOTHER big event coming up at Marvel to grab your money.  Read CBO fer chrissakes. AFTER begging fans to keep buying their comics ~go toGoogle "Marvel is begging its fans to keep buying its comics" (or You Tube)

According to i09gizmo

"The Marvel universe is facing some major changes again in the wake of Secret Empire. Starting this fall, Marvel is launching a line-wide shake up in the form of Marvel Legacy— something that promises to bring back fallen heroes and bring them into the fold with newer-established characters to create a mix of familiar and new."

 And that's all you get from me. Go read the article. I'm going into a coma so I don't have to hear more bitching from morons complaining Marvel ripped them off again!

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