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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 13 May 2017

If I Say Abra and Cadabra Will My Freddie Fluence Work?

You want nonsensical post headers you got 'em!

 Now,  based on past experience I expect nil responses but this is Christmas! Wishes may come true...or not but you gotta try, right?

I've totally given up on trying to get scans of William A. Ward's The Bat artwork and the original Krakos the Egyptian book -though I have samples of the various Krakos strips. So I'm not going to ask for the impossible.

I know some of you belong to old Boys Papers groups, etc., so here is the list of old comic strips I'm looking for and if you can find any examples PLEASE let me know.

Abra and Cadabra -Puck 1926-1935

Bob The Pet Navvy -Jester and Wonder 1903-1906

Freddie Fluence  -Favourite 1912

Ronnie Roy -Funny Wonder 1940-1950

Professor Radium -Puck 1904-1916 (the image at the top is all I have and is VERY low res)

Merry Margie -Knockout 1939-1940

That's it.

Up-date: it took a week but Merry Margie can now be ticked off the list but I've no objection to further sample strips!

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