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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Secret Wars. Secret Wars and, oh, Secret the trailer!

Well, most comickers will have seen the Alex Ross Secret Wars art by now?  In case you have not here it is:

Full of action, the "daylight colours" of the heroes out to fight evil and help us.

Now we get the official Marvel share of the Secret Wars (2014) cover art to issue #1.  Is it just me or does the art looked "washed out"?


It is just totally uninspiring.  If I had to venture an honest opinion I'd have to say its was pure arse-water.  Flat, uninspiring and I would certainly not buy it if I saw it on a shelf.

Now look at the ORIGINAL Secret Wars cover for #1

Bright, action and definitely enticing one to spend ones money -25p at the time.

Sadly, under Di$ney the new look is the new look until they can think of the next money-maker.  No good bleating about it, "Marvel" is just the product label now and its Di$ney Worldwide Publishing calling the shots.

And, of course, the official video of the comic of the soon-to-be movie!

Oh well.  Pass me the bucket, please.


  1. Hello. Off topic - I know -but I'd go full out Bristol Ghosts. Photographs of buildings and streets in and around Bristol - old history with pamphlets and other odds and ends - GOOD IDEA. Go fo it. Really. I'm not kidding around. This is an idea that needs to be done. If you send me parts, I'll act as editor - no problems: it's part of my job here anyway. DO IT !!! Anyway...ahem. I was really just here to say a package is in the post - it has a few Dark Hopes in it. I hope you like it. As for 'losing time'. Yes, in a real sense. It's a problem - but such is life. Bad news - my wife's mother - diagnosed as cancer and underwent an operation a few months ago - not successful. The cancer has spread to her liver - she's now going to start more severe treatment. As my brother did. Not a good thing. Never mind. Just thought I'd let you know. Take it easy - take care.

  2. Hello. Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Nasty all round. Your brother okay now? There are other books on Bristol ghosts but I'm hoping that my reputation (hah!) as an "author" and so on might get me into a few places others can't. "Noted naturalist" -with a book. "Noted local historian" and all the gumpf. I'm up to page 266 of Green Skies and I really want to get that finished by Christmas and after that I can concentrate on other things -TV, Community radio, etc. All if my body lets me!! I'll let you know when your package arrives! Take care.
