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Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Last Words

No,no, no, no! I am NOT committing suicide -though I have slaughtered nook prices! he he he he...sigh

I had a chat with someone on Face Book who said they didn't believe that I was not selling books: "Those prices are so low and you cover most genres -I think you are going for sympathy sales!"

I responded by explaining that I have been very open about business -find another publisher just in the UK who tells you about costs,lack of sales and all that blather.  So I asked whether, as he put it, a big supporter of Independent Comics what books he'd be buying?  Well,he REALLY would like to BUT, you see, money is short and there are some new hard covers from Marvel and DC he really wants to get.

I responded: "Tell you what, you contact me again when (1) Marvel or DC Comics will spend time chatting to you on FB and answer all your questions, and,(2) you buy one of my books!"


Here are sales for December. All the £0.00  are books I've bought for people. The Red Paper sales are nice so I should get £3.00 out of that.

07-Dec-2015 THE CASE BOOK OF CHUNG LING SOO Paperback Lulu UK 1 £0.00
07-Dec-2015 Dene Vernon:The Thing Below Paperback Lulu UK 1 £0.00
07-Dec-2015 THE COMPLETE PHANTOM DETECTIVE Paperback Lulu UK 1 £0.00
05-Dec-2015 The Hooper Interviews Paperback Lulu UK 1 £0.00
30-Nov-2015 The Red Paper: CANIDS Paperback Ingram (Print) UK 1 £3.89
26-Nov-2015 The Red Paper: CANIDS Paperback Lulu UK 1 £3.72

It is incredible the number of "Independent Comic supporters" who I hear from but despite all their words and promises to "buy a copy of this one!",,,,nothing.

I can't explain any other way the genres and art styles as well as books Black Tower has.  The total and utter lack of support from the UK (I'm trying not to choke here) "comics community".  But that's all a dead subject to me.

It isn't a joke to write a few million have seen the features and ads via Twitter, Face Book,Google+, CBO itself and a staggering number of other sites that carry everything posted here.  Sales for 2015 -about seven books.  Support from all those "fellow publishers" I've promoted?  Zero.

For me this will be the last comment about this because it is getting boring.  If prices hacked down so low that I make 50p from a sale doesn't do it then........

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