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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 20 December 2015

The Green Skies -Update

I have drawn nothing, not even sketched, since around May of this year.  That may explain the depression -though other events never helped much.

But this morning, swigging on Lyons coffee, I decided to look at the bulging portfolio containing The Green Skies which is quite a hefty amount.

I thought I'd add up the page total before scrapping and archiving everything -I put the art into A3 plastic folders and mark the total number of pages so that I can total up and keep tabs.  Believe me, I do not want to count all the pages from "1" again.

"Shut up and tell us the page count!" no one is saying.  Well, the total stands at 321 pages.  I checked this twice with the calculator and, yes, it was correct.

That is a lot of work.  The problem is, and has always been, that I have no real ego.  I can't sit there and look at my art work ans say "That is fantastic!"  I still remember what Ben Dilworth said to me around 1988: "One day you'll draw a comic masterpiece and say 'it looks okay' and the next day you'll look at it again and say 'what a pile of s****!'" 

I also cannot abide it when people praise my work -is it something you enjoyed reading?  Were there any major faults you could find in it?  Story okay?  That's it. All I want to know.

I am not going to give you a psychological profile of "the artistic genius" here so don't panic. 

I had to think, though, do I:

(1) scrap the entire Green Skies project ?
(2) redraw everything from the beginning?
(3) continue the project from where I left off seven months ago?

Well, (1) and (2) I have done before -remember how the original Return Of The Gods had 196 pages and I scrapped it and re-plublished as over 360 pages?

Truth is, I am not sure whether I can draw and continue the project but I am going to try.  It's Christmas and you can't do much this time of year and as I do not celebrate Christmas...why not see if I can still draw?

After all, I am not (even though four people have attempted to get me into an internet argument about the UK comics 'industry') doing anything comic-wise in the UK and I've a couple of weeks before I can start trying to get into Europe or the TV work so...

I guess it's a case of "keep popping by for updates"!

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