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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 11 November 2017

The first Forks RainCon - June 2018

FORKS, WASHINGTON - RainCon is on the way.

The first Comicon to be held in Forks, Washington has a tentative date of June 22-24, 2018. A location has yet to be finalized.

RainCon is organized by Evan Sveum, of the comics shop by Home Slice Pizza in Forks. Donna Barr, organizer of the successful Clallam Bay Comicon, provides back-up administration and assistance as needed.

Admission to RainCon is free to the public. Raincon is encouraging anyone wanting to be a guest speaker or run an event to contact as soon as possible. Fan suggestions are very welcome. Prices for tables are being kept to a minimum

"Comicons" are entertainment conventions with a basic interest in the many forms of drawn books - but are very welcoming to any any all creative and entertainment endeavors. This is why they grow so quickly. Anything from The Tick to Twilight to Steampunk to Manga is welcomed with open arms. Local businesses are encouraged to offer special events and sales to attendees.

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