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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 30 June 2019

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 138 - June 2019

Dear Reader,
Do you like new stuff? Who doesn't, right? Well, we've got you covered this month - starting with a new series that's part spy thriller, part road movie - and what a road! Welcome to the legendary Route 66. The 'main street of America' will take you through five states - for five volumes - on the heels of a father and his son seemingly fleeing a serial killer. And the FBI. And possibly the KGB as well. Ooooooh, boy ...
Now, I know what you're going to say: after 73 volumes translated and published, Lucky Luke is hardly new. True, but this format is! Allow us to present the long-awaited Complete Collection of your favourite lonesome cowboy. Gorgeous hardback edition, with three volumes worth of material in the original publishing order, including a few panels and pages previously unpublished, and over 40 pages of introduction on the character and the author. Who could say no to that?
Last but not least, it's time to return to the In-Between World and find out what happened to our friends from Alone - because the last time we saw them, things were looking pretty unpleasant. Unexpectedly, it might be Terry's turn to shine - and even grow up a little ...
June with Cinebook: get your kicks with our fine comics!

Alone 10 
Gazzotti & Vehlmann
The Machine for Undying
Murdered by the First Families' war leader, Camille has finally shown her true nature: she is the Midnight-Child, the envoy of Evil! Her friends, however, don't know it yet, as they've all been scattered by accident or treachery. Leila, imprisoned by Neosalem's authorities. Dodzi, captured by their enemies of the Last Families. Ivan, presumed dead ... Read more

Lucky Luke 
The Complete Collection Volume 1
After 70 years of life and over 70 translated volumes, it was high time English-speaking readers were offered a hardback collected edition. This first volume contains the first seven adventures of Lucky Luke, previously published as volumes Arizona, Rodeo and Dick Digger's Gold Mine... Read more

The Route 66 List 1 
Eric Stalner
1961, Illinois. Alex Poliac buries his wife Alice. That evening, he and his son flee their home. Not because he is a suspect in Alice's death, but because a serial killer - The Clown - is prowling the state, and Alex knows how he picks his victims... Read more
Islandia 1
Boreal Landing

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

Or, if you're a retailer yourself, please go to: Read more

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