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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 14 June 2019

Merriwether:God's Demon-Thumper

58 pages
Price: £8.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days

The complete Merriwether series,originally published in Black Tower Adventure and A Little Midnight Horror–but with three strips never before published:including the Reverend’s battle with the ultimate Evil!
From The Horror Of Hob Street to The Village Of Demons and Varney the Vampyre to The Fallen Angel himself,see how one Church of England vicar deals hard-fisted [and various spiked objects] justice to the ungodly...and the ultimate price!!!
If you were into Charlton Horror Comics or any horror comic then this one is for you!

Merriwether:The Test Of Satan

Merriwether:The Test Of Satan

27 Pages
Price: £5.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days

At the end of Merriwether:Gods Demon-Thumper,the Reverend had been confronted by Satan and as a consequence lay fatally injured.

Star of 1980s comics,Benjamin R. dilworth,takes us through the fleeting seconds before death as Merriwether has flash backs showing just why he took on the career he did.Be prepared for horror and a little tongue-in-cheek humour.Horror fans will love this.

Merriwether: Gods Demon Thumper

black and white
Price: £8.00 (excl. VAT)Prints in 3-5 business days

The complete Merriwether series, originally published in Black Tower Adventure and A Little Midnight Horror–but with three strips never before published…

including the Reverend’s battle with the ultimate Evil!

From The Horror Of Hob Street to The Village Of Demons and Varney the Vampyre to The Fallen Angel himself, see how one Church of England vicar deals hard-fisted [and various spiked objects] justice to the ungodly

...and pays the ultimate price!!!

If you were into Charlton Horror Comics or any horror comic then this one is for you!
At the end of Merriwether:Gods Demon-Thumper, the Reverend had been confronted by Satan and as a consequence lay fatally injured.

Star of 1980s comics, Benjamin R. Dilworth, takes us through the fleeting seconds
before death as Merriwether has flash backs showing just why he took on the career he did. Be prepared for horror and a little tongue-in-cheek humour.

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