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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 3 June 2019

Oh Lords of Light and Darkness Save Me!

I got an email (again -please comment on CBO) asking me a bout a post and for a few extra details.

I had no idea what the person was writing about so I asked whether they had the right blog? Apparently they had -the post in question was from 2011.  Seriously, there are almost 7 thousand posts on CBO going back to 2011 and I can barely remember what I posted lat week!

People view not just the megaposts and regular posts from 2018/2019 but also the reviews and it often surprises me when I see a Cinebook or Titan Books review from 8-9 years ago appear in the top ten posts of the day.

Titan Books Secret Service -Kinsman appeared on the list again today which means that review has been read by 5,020 people since 2014. But nowhere near as many views as the David Gordon interview that is still at no. 2 position today and total views of 20,562. Now if half those readers -a quarter of them- had bought some of his books he would be very happy!

Reverend Cross 007 is back in the top views.

The one thing I notice is that old posts reach new readers and so are never out of date and if you have a world wide audience then that should not be surprising.

So if you contact me about a post -include the url!

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