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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 27 September 2021

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 165 - September 2021


Dear Reader,

This month, we mark an amazing milestone in our history as publishers of fine European comics. This month, we bring you our 80th Lucky Luke title!

We are very, very proud of this accomplishment, as you can imagine, and we hope that we can continue offering many more adventures of the Lonesome Cowboy – as soon as they come out in French, that is, because we’re pretty much caught up on 75 years of back catalogue!

Also coming this month is the latest Buck Danny adventure and explosive conclusion to the ‘Antarctica virus’ story arc. With the usual parade of exquisitely well-drawn aircraft engaged in deadly combat, and some ground-based heroics too, for good measure.

Finally comes Volume 1 of a two-part story taking place during the First World War. Swan Song is a stirring, heart-wrenching, gorgeously illustrated tale of simple men caught in a deadly conflict. It’s beautiful, it’s painful, it’s funny … and the second part comes out next month, so you won’t have to wait long!

September with Cinebook: all your reading needs right here!

Buck Danny 13
Formosa & Zumbiehl
The Pact

Despite every effort on Lady X’s part, Buck and Sonny have survived, and with them the antigens needed to create a defence against the Antarctic virus – a failure that puts the mercenary woman in an extremely precarious position with her employers ... Read more

Lucky Luke 80
Morris & Guylouis
The Alibi

Lucky Luke is contacted by a rich individual with an unusual request: he wants to hire the Lonesome Cowboy to escort his stepdaughter Gisella on a trip across the Wild West. He wants her to see for himself the hard life of settlers and frontiersmen at least once before she settles into a comfortable married life ... Read more

Swan Song
Babouche & Dorison and Herzet
Part 1

1917. Nivelle – ‘the butcher’ – commands the French Army, and the attacks he keeps ordering are pointless slaughters. The soldiers can’t take it any more. Discontent is turning into rebellion, and a petition is being circulated in secret. When it makes its way to the men of Sergeant Sabiane, something snaps in them ... Read more

Human Stock Exchange 3

Lucky Luke
The Complete Collection 4

Lucky Luke
The Complete Collection 5

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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