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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Manga and Manua For Review?

 A couple of messages (on the British Golden Age grouprather than here?!!). Both asked why I am not reviewing Manga or Chinese Manhua any more.

Cost. If I had the money to order from YesAsia then I would but the problem is that it then gets to the UK and I would get a "handling fee" -this is a con to get taxes since postage would already have been paid. The "handling fee" is usually far more money than the items cost.

Postal charges as well as the tax makes it impossible. Sadly a lot of the Manga/Manhua companies who produced books in English went down the tubes in the early 2000s.

The other question asked by one of the people was why do I not review Indian comics? Same reason.

Hey, I review everything that turns up but....

So that is the reason.

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